
One of the most important parts of air compressor systems is the piping that connects everything together. Its material, age, and condition impact both system reliability and air quality. Compressed air piping made from iron will often rust and corrode and create buildup on the interior. This buildup results in pressure drop within the system, contributing to high levels of contamination and poor air quality.


Installing the right compressed air pipe assists in avoiding pressure loss, rust and other problems, for this reason, CFM Solutions installs most of their equipment with a Fast, Easy and Reliable product called AIRnet Aluminum Piping System. It is the most effective solution for your air or gas network. Its fast and easy installation gets your operations up and running in record time. AIRnet is leak-proof and corrosion-free. Its pipes and fittings come with a 10-year warranty.

Providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction!